Source code for Splitter

Oblique decision tree classifier based on SVM nodes
Splitter class

import os
import warnings
import random
from math import log, factorial
import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, mutual_info_classif
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning
from mufs import MUFS

[docs]class Snode: """ Nodes of the tree that keeps the svm classifier and if testing the dataset assigned to it Parameters ---------- clf : SVC Classifier used X : np.ndarray input dataset in train time (only in testing) y : np.ndarray input labes in train time features : np.array features used to compute hyperplane impurity : float impurity of the node title : str label describing the route to the node weight : np.ndarray, optional weights applied to input dataset in train time, by default None scaler : StandardScaler, optional scaler used if any, by default None """ def __init__( self, clf: SVC, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, features: np.array, impurity: float, title: str, weight: np.ndarray = None, scaler: StandardScaler = None, ): self._clf = clf self._title = title self._belief = 0.0 # Only store dataset in Testing self._X = X if os.environ.get("TESTING", "NS") != "NS" else None self._y = y self._down = None self._up = None self._class = None self._feature = None self._sample_weight = ( weight if os.environ.get("TESTING", "NS") != "NS" else None ) self._features = features self._impurity = impurity self._partition_column: int = -1 self._scaler = scaler self._proba = None
[docs] @classmethod def copy(cls, node: "Snode") -> "Snode": return cls( node._clf, node._X, node._y, node._features, node._impurity, node._title, node._sample_weight, node._scaler, )
[docs] def set_partition_column(self, col: int): self._partition_column = col
[docs] def get_partition_column(self) -> int: return self._partition_column
[docs] def set_down(self, son): self._down = son
[docs] def set_title(self, title): self._title = title
[docs] def set_classifier(self, clf): self._clf = clf
[docs] def set_features(self, features): self._features = features
[docs] def set_impurity(self, impurity): self._impurity = impurity
[docs] def get_title(self) -> str: return self._title
[docs] def get_classifier(self) -> SVC: return self._clf
[docs] def get_impurity(self) -> float: return self._impurity
[docs] def get_features(self) -> np.array: return self._features
[docs] def set_up(self, son): self._up = son
[docs] def is_leaf(self) -> bool: return self._up is None and self._down is None
[docs] def get_down(self) -> "Snode": return self._down
[docs] def get_up(self) -> "Snode": return self._up
[docs] def make_predictor(self, num_classes: int) -> None: """Compute the class of the predictor and its belief based on the subdataset of the node only if it is a leaf """ if not self.is_leaf(): return classes, card = np.unique(self._y, return_counts=True) self._proba = np.zeros((num_classes,), dtype=np.int64) for c, n in zip(classes, card): self._proba[c] = n try: max_card = max(card) self._class = classes[card == max_card][0] self._belief = max_card / np.sum(card) except ValueError: self._class = None
[docs] def graph(self): """ Return a string representing the node in graphviz format """ output = "" count_values = np.unique(self._y, return_counts=True) if self.is_leaf(): output += ( f'N{id(self)} [shape=box style=filled label="' f"class={self._class} impurity={self._impurity:.3f} " f'counts={self._proba}"];\n' ) else: output += ( f'N{id(self)} [label="#features={len(self._features)} ' f"classes={count_values[0]} samples={count_values[1]} " f'({sum(count_values[1])})" fontcolor=black];\n' ) output += f"N{id(self)} -> N{id(self.get_up())} [color=black];\n" output += f"N{id(self)} -> N{id(self.get_down())} [color=black];\n" return output
def __str__(self) -> str: count_values = np.unique(self._y, return_counts=True) if self.is_leaf(): return ( f"{self._title} - Leaf class={self._class} belief=" f"{self._belief: .6f} impurity={self._impurity:.4f} " f"counts={count_values}" ) return ( f"{self._title} feaures={self._features} impurity=" f"{self._impurity:.4f} " f"counts={count_values}" )
[docs]class Siterator: """Stree preorder iterator""" def __init__(self, tree: Snode): self._stack = [] self._push(tree) def __iter__(self): # To complete the iterator interface return self
[docs] def _push(self, node: Snode): if node is not None: self._stack.append(node)
def __next__(self) -> Snode: if len(self._stack) == 0: raise StopIteration() node = self._stack.pop() self._push(node.get_up()) self._push(node.get_down()) return node
[docs]class Splitter: """ Splits a dataset in two based on different criteria Parameters ---------- clf : SVC, optional classifier, by default None criterion : str, optional The function to measure the quality of a split (only used if max_features != num_features). Supported criteria are “gini” for the Gini impurity and “entropy” for the information gain., by default "entropy", by default None feature_select : str, optional The strategy used to choose the feature set at each node (only used if max_features < num_features). Supported strategies are: “best”: sklearn SelectKBest algorithm is used in every node to choose the max_features best features. “random”: The algorithm generates 5 candidates and choose the best (max. info. gain) of them. “trandom”: The algorithm generates only one random combination. "mutual": Chooses the best features w.r.t. their mutual info with the label. "cfs": Apply Correlation-based Feature Selection. "fcbf": Apply Fast Correlation- Based, by default None criteria : str, optional ecides (just in case of a multi class classification) which column (class) use to split the dataset in a node. max_samples is incompatible with 'ovo' multiclass_strategy, by default None min_samples_split : int, optional The minimum number of samples required to split an internal node. 0 (default) for any, by default None random_state : optional Controls the pseudo random number generation for shuffling the data for probability estimates. Ignored when probability is False.Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls, by default None normalize : bool, optional If standardization of features should be applied on each node with the samples that reach it , by default False Raises ------ ValueError clf has to be a sklearn estimator ValueError criterion must be gini or entropy ValueError criteria has to be max_samples or impurity ValueError splitter must be in {random, best, mutual, cfs, fcbf} """ def __init__( self, clf: SVC = None, criterion: str = None, feature_select: str = None, criteria: str = None, min_samples_split: int = None, random_state=None, normalize=False, ): self._clf = clf self._random_state = random_state if random_state is not None: random.seed(random_state) self._criterion = criterion self._min_samples_split = min_samples_split self._criteria = criteria self._feature_select = feature_select self._normalize = normalize if clf is None: raise ValueError(f"clf has to be a sklearn estimator, got({clf})") if criterion not in ["gini", "entropy"]: raise ValueError( f"criterion must be gini or entropy got({criterion})" ) if criteria not in [ "max_samples", "impurity", ]: raise ValueError( f"criteria has to be max_samples or impurity; got ({criteria})" ) if feature_select not in [ "random", "trandom", "best", "mutual", "cfs", "fcbf", "iwss", ]: raise ValueError( "splitter must be in {random, trandom, best, mutual, cfs, " "fcbf, iwss} " f"got ({feature_select})" ) self.criterion_function = getattr(self, f"_{self._criterion}") self.decision_criteria = getattr(self, f"_{self._criteria}") self.fs_function = getattr(self, f"_fs_{self._feature_select}")
[docs] def _fs_random( self, dataset: np.array, labels: np.array, max_features: int ) -> tuple: """Return the best of five random feature set combinations Parameters ---------- dataset : np.array array of samples labels : np.array labels of the dataset max_features : int number of features of the subspace (< number of features in dataset) Returns ------- tuple indices of the features selected """ # Random feature reduction n_features = dataset.shape[1] features_sets = self._generate_spaces(n_features, max_features) return self._select_best_set(dataset, labels, features_sets)
[docs] @staticmethod def _fs_trandom( dataset: np.array, labels: np.array, max_features: int ) -> tuple: """Return the a random feature set combination Parameters ---------- dataset : np.array array of samples labels : np.array labels of the dataset max_features : int number of features of the subspace (< number of features in dataset) Returns ------- tuple indices of the features selected """ # Random feature reduction n_features = dataset.shape[1] return tuple(sorted(random.sample(range(n_features), max_features)))
[docs] @staticmethod def _fs_best( dataset: np.array, labels: np.array, max_features: int ) -> tuple: """Return the variabes with higher f-score Parameters ---------- dataset : np.array array of samples labels : np.array labels of the dataset max_features : int number of features of the subspace (< number of features in dataset) Returns ------- tuple indices of the features selected """ return ( SelectKBest(k=max_features) .fit(dataset, labels) .get_support(indices=True) )
[docs] def _fs_mutual( self, dataset: np.array, labels: np.array, max_features: int ) -> tuple: """Return the best features with mutual information with labels Parameters ---------- dataset : np.array array of samples labels : np.array labels of the dataset max_features : int number of features of the subspace (< number of features in dataset) Returns ------- tuple indices of the features selected """ # return best features with mutual info with the label feature_list = mutual_info_classif( dataset, labels, random_state=self._random_state ) return tuple( sorted( range(len(feature_list)), key=lambda sub: feature_list[sub] )[-max_features:] )
[docs] @staticmethod def _fs_cfs( dataset: np.array, labels: np.array, max_features: int ) -> tuple: """Correlattion-based feature selection with max_features limit Parameters ---------- dataset : np.array array of samples labels : np.array labels of the dataset max_features : int number of features of the subspace (< number of features in dataset) Returns ------- tuple indices of the features selected """ mufs = MUFS(max_features=max_features, discrete=False) return mufs.cfs(dataset, labels).get_results()
[docs] @staticmethod def _fs_fcbf( dataset: np.array, labels: np.array, max_features: int ) -> tuple: """Fast Correlation-based Filter algorithm with max_features limit Parameters ---------- dataset : np.array array of samples labels : np.array labels of the dataset max_features : int number of features of the subspace (< number of features in dataset) Returns ------- tuple indices of the features selected """ mufs = MUFS(max_features=max_features, discrete=False) return mufs.fcbf(dataset, labels, 5e-4).get_results()
[docs] @staticmethod def _fs_iwss( dataset: np.array, labels: np.array, max_features: int ) -> tuple: """Correlattion-based feature selection based on iwss with max_features limit Parameters ---------- dataset : np.array array of samples labels : np.array labels of the dataset max_features : int number of features of the subspace (< number of features in dataset) Returns ------- tuple indices of the features selected """ mufs = MUFS(max_features=max_features, discrete=False) return mufs.iwss(dataset, labels, 0.25).get_results()
[docs] def partition_impurity(self, y: np.array) -> np.array: return self.criterion_function(y)
[docs] @staticmethod def _gini(y: np.array) -> float: _, count = np.unique(y, return_counts=True) return 1 - np.sum(np.square(count / np.sum(count)))
[docs] @staticmethod def _entropy(y: np.array) -> float: """Compute entropy of a labels set Parameters ---------- y : np.array set of labels Returns ------- float entropy """ n_labels = len(y) if n_labels <= 1: return 0 counts = np.bincount(y) proportions = counts / n_labels n_classes = np.count_nonzero(proportions) if n_classes <= 1: return 0 entropy = 0.0 # Compute standard entropy. for prop in proportions: if prop != 0.0: entropy -= prop * log(prop, n_classes) return entropy
[docs] def information_gain( self, labels: np.array, labels_up: np.array, labels_dn: np.array ) -> float: """Compute information gain of a split candidate Parameters ---------- labels : np.array labels of the dataset labels_up : np.array labels of one side labels_dn : np.array labels on the other side Returns ------- float information gain """ imp_prev = self.criterion_function(labels) card_up = card_dn = imp_up = imp_dn = 0 if labels_up is not None: card_up = labels_up.shape[0] imp_up = self.criterion_function(labels_up) if labels_dn is not None: card_dn = labels_dn.shape[0] if labels_dn is not None else 0 imp_dn = self.criterion_function(labels_dn) samples = card_up + card_dn if samples == 0: return 0.0 else: result = ( imp_prev - (card_up / samples) * imp_up - (card_dn / samples) * imp_dn ) return result
[docs] def _select_best_set( self, dataset: np.array, labels: np.array, features_sets: list ) -> list: """Return the best set of features among feature_sets, the criterion is the information gain Parameters ---------- dataset : np.array array of samples (# samples, # features) labels : np.array array of labels features_sets : list list of features sets to check Returns ------- list best feature set """ max_gain = 0 selected = None warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ConvergenceWarning) for feature_set in features_sets:[:, feature_set], labels) node = Snode( self._clf, dataset, labels, feature_set, 0.0, "subset" ) self.partition(dataset, node, train=True) y1, y2 = self.part(labels) gain = self.information_gain(labels, y1, y2) if gain > max_gain: max_gain = gain selected = feature_set return selected if selected is not None else feature_set
[docs] @staticmethod def _generate_spaces(features: int, max_features: int) -> list: """Generate at most 5 feature random combinations Parameters ---------- features : int number of features in each combination max_features : int number of features in dataset Returns ------- list list with up to 5 combination of features randomly selected """ comb = set() # Generate at most 5 combinations number = factorial(features) / ( factorial(max_features) * factorial(features - max_features) ) set_length = min(5, number) while len(comb) < set_length: comb.add( tuple(sorted(random.sample(range(features), max_features))) ) return list(comb)
[docs] def _get_subspaces_set( self, dataset: np.array, labels: np.array, max_features: int ) -> tuple: """Compute the indices of the features selected by splitter depending on the self._feature_select hyper parameter Parameters ---------- dataset : np.array array of samples labels : np.array labels of the dataset max_features : int number of features of the subspace (<= number of features in dataset) Returns ------- tuple indices of the features selected """ # No feature reduction n_features = dataset.shape[1] if n_features == max_features: return tuple(range(n_features)) # select features as selected in constructor return self.fs_function(dataset, labels, max_features)
[docs] def get_subspace( self, dataset: np.array, labels: np.array, max_features: int ) -> tuple: """Re3turn a subspace of the selected dataset of max_features length. Depending on hyperparameter Parameters ---------- dataset : np.array array of samples (# samples, # features) labels : np.array labels of the dataset max_features : int number of features to form the subspace Returns ------- tuple tuple with the dataset with only the features selected and the indices of the features selected """ indices = self._get_subspaces_set(dataset, labels, max_features) return dataset[:, indices], indices
[docs] def _impurity(self, data: np.array, y: np.array) -> np.array: """return column of dataset to be taken into account to split dataset Parameters ---------- data : np.array distances to hyper plane of every class y : np.array vector of labels (classes) Returns ------- np.array column of dataset to be taken into account to split dataset """ max_gain = 0 selected = -1 for col in range(data.shape[1]): tup = y[data[:, col] > 0] tdn = y[data[:, col] <= 0] info_gain = self.information_gain(y, tup, tdn) if info_gain > max_gain: selected = col max_gain = info_gain return selected
[docs] @staticmethod def _max_samples(data: np.array, y: np.array) -> np.array: """return column of dataset to be taken into account to split dataset Parameters ---------- data : np.array distances to hyper plane of every class y : np.array column of dataset to be taken into account to split dataset Returns ------- np.array column of dataset to be taken into account to split dataset """ # select the class with max number of samples _, samples = np.unique(y, return_counts=True) return np.argmax(samples)
[docs] def partition(self, samples: np.array, node: Snode, train: bool): """Set the criteria to split arrays. Compute the indices of the samples that should go to one side of the tree (up) Parameters ---------- samples : np.array array of samples (# samples, # features) node : Snode Node of the tree where partition is going to be made train : bool Train time - True / Test time - False """ # data contains the distances of every sample to every class hyperplane # array of (m, nc) nc = # classes data = self._distances(node, samples) if data.shape[0] < self._min_samples_split: # there aren't enough samples to split self._up = np.ones((data.shape[0]), dtype=bool) return if data.ndim > 1: # split criteria for multiclass # Convert data to a (m, 1) array selecting values for samples if train: # in train time we have to compute the column to take into # account to split the dataset col = self.decision_criteria(data, node._y) node.set_partition_column(col) else: # in predcit time just use the column computed in train time # is taking the classifier of class <col> col = node.get_partition_column() if col == -1: # No partition is producing information gain data = np.ones(data.shape) data = data[:, col] self._up = data > 0
[docs] def part(self, origin: np.array) -> list: """Split an array in two based on indices (self._up) and its complement partition has to be called first to establish up indices Parameters ---------- origin : np.array dataset to split Returns ------- list list with two splits of the array """ down = ~self._up return [ origin[self._up] if any(self._up) else None, origin[down] if any(down) else None, ]
[docs] def _distances(self, node: Snode, data: np.ndarray) -> np.array: """Compute distances of the samples to the hyperplane of the node Parameters ---------- node : Snode node containing the svm classifier data : np.ndarray samples to compute distance to hyperplane Returns ------- np.array array of shape (m, nc) with the distances of every sample to the hyperplane of every class. nc = # of classes """ X_transformed = data[:, node._features] if self._normalize: X_transformed = node._scaler.transform(X_transformed) return node._clf.decision_function(X_transformed)